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Triad Design worked with Oklahoma County District One on the design of the Eastern Oklahoma County Turnpike Gate in order to improve access to the I-44 Turner Turnpike and foster economic development and growth in the area. The new interchange allows better management of projected traffic volumes and facilitates timely response of emergency vehicles. The scope of services included: environmental clearance (Categorical Exclusion); preliminary engineering plans; right-of-way plans, final plans and specifications, and utility relocation. The project was a cooperative effort of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City, ODOT, and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.
Triad Design worked with Oklahoma County District One on the design of the Eastern Oklahoma County Turnpike Gate in order to improve access to the I-44 Turner Turnpike and foster economic development and growth in the area. The new interchange allows better management of projected traffic volumes and facilitates timely response of emergency vehicles. The scope of services included: environmental clearance (Categorical Exclusion); preliminary engineering plans; right-of-way plans, final plans and specifications, and utility relocation. The project was a cooperative effort of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City, ODOT, and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.