SH-74 Corridor
Triad designed improvements for eight miles of State Highway 74 to eliminate flooding, improve safety and increase the roadway’s capacity. The old 2-lane SH-74 was rated critically inadequate for present and future traffic volumes and included two structurally deficient bridges. SH-74 is being renovated into a four and five lane corridor north to the Logan County Line.
The first completed corridor section replaced the Bloody Rush Creek Bridge with an adjacent roadway widening to five lanes near the Logan County/Oklahoma County line. Next constructed was a new 5-lane facility from NW 234th (Sorghum Mill) to NW 206th (Covell), and replacement of the 2-lane Deer Creek and Overflow bridges with five lane structures. The final project for construction is from NW 164th Street to NW 206th Street. NW 150th to NW 164th is currently under construction.
The interchange at 150th Street was critical to the traffic flow on the SH-74 Corridor. Triad designed the realignment of a controlled access facility from 0.5 miles south of NW 150th Street to 0.5 miles north of NW 164th Street, with one-way frontage roads and Texas Turnarounds to ease rush hour congestion at the NW 150th Interchange. In order to construct the interchange while maintaining traffic on the highway and city cross-streets, complex project phasing was necessary.
Two multi-span bridges, northbound and southbound, were designed to carry SH-74 traffic over NW 150th Street. The bridge spans, each 100’ long, allow six lanes of traffic and two Texas Turnarounds to pass below. Retaining wall was utilized as part of the south abutment to shorten the overall bridge lengths while still allowing the use of the turnaround lanes. The interchange bridge included aesthetic elements cast in concrete. One quarter mile north of the interchange, a reinforced concrete box 531’ in length was constructed under SH-74, to carry the adjacent on/off ramps and both adjacent service roads.

Realignment of NW 150th Street to NW 164th Street

SH-74 & 150th Street Interchange

Deer Creek Bridge

Bloody Rush Creek Bridge

Coffee Creek Intersection