Covell Road Corridor
The City of Edmond, Oklahoma County and Triad Design worked for over a decade on design components for this major east-west corridor linking Interstate 35 to State Highway 74. Triad contracts for Covell reconstruction extend from just west of MacArthur Boulevard to approximately one mile east of I-35. The critical element to the corridor was conversion of the BNSF Railroad crossing at Broadway and Covell into a high capacity underpass. To provide the necessary grade separation between Covell and the railway, the old Boulevard-Broadway Avenue was widened and realigned and the Broadway-Covell intersection was relocated to the east.
The BN&SF Overpass on Covell Road is a 125' long steel truss spanning a 52' wide 4-lane roadway, two retaining walls, and two 10 foot wide multi-purpose trails. Triad’s unique design of the Covell underpass roadway, 22' 4" below the railroad, discharges storm water runoff by gravity flow to a natural drain 1,530 feet north of Covell Road, avoiding the need for a costly collection and pumping system. Covell was reconstructed from just east of Santa Fe Avenue, extending east past Mitch Park to Thomas Avenue, tying into the Covell underpass roadway. Triad's design met City and ODOT requirements for 4-lane curb and gutter roadway with raised median and multi-use paths on both sides of Covell, designed to minimally impact existing structures.
The intersection redesign for Oklahoma County was necessary to minimize the Deer Creek water system relocation adjacent to Deer Creek High School property north of Covell and west of MacArthur. The project consists of: signalizing the intersection; reconstructing MacArthur from 500’ south of Covell to 2,300’ north of Covell; and reconstructing Covell from 2,100’ west of MacArthur to 400’ east of MacArthur.
Future projects will be the reconstruction of five north-south roads that cross Covell: Kelly Avenue, Thomas Avenue, Bryant Avenue, Coltrane Avenue, and Sooner Road to four-lane, curb and gutter streets with turn-lanes and signalized intersections.

Covell Road - East of Boulevard to 1/4 Mile East of Santa Fe, Edmond, Oklahoma

Boulevard-Broadway Avenue Widened and Relocated

BSNF Railroad Overpass & Covell Roadway & Trails

Boulevard - Broadway Avenue

BN&SF Overpass on Covell Road